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Why In-Progress Engineer

After listening to a quite a few people who write great technical blogs and documentation, I'm convinced that writing about a topic is one of the greatest ways to better your understanding about it. By trying to write something in simple and easy words will push anyone to also dig deep on basics of the topic.

Taking Physical Notes

Until now, I have been making physical notes of my learnings (which I still love to do). But these notes aren't very practical for many reasons.

  1. Searching through the notes isn't easy. Older the topic, the tougher it gets.
  2. Extending/correcting documentation is a pain.
  3. Can't share learnings.
  4. Can't carry notes everywhere.
  5. and many more.

Strengthen Writing Muscle

When we read good blogs and documentation, it's fascinating to see where did they start, how did they find information and understand the topic, how did the words flow so freely and how did they finally publish.

It's not easy for someone who isn't a natural writer to write a great piece of text. The only way to achieve this is by strengthening the writing muscle and this happens only by writing more and more. These notes are an effort towards this goal.

“If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward.” ― Martin Luther King Jr.

Just Another Blog?

Mostly No. All that's documented here are sort of quick-notes rather than a blog or technical documentation.

The happiness of finally understanding a topic after searching through multiple blogs and documents through Google or is hard to explain. The whole idea of this is to curate information from multiple sources and pen down my understanding in my words.

Why In-Progress Engineer?

This name was picked because for an Engineer (any profession for that matter) learning never stops. So an Engineer is never complete.

Learning here has two aspects

  1. Foundation/Fundamentals - the constant
  2. Upskilling - the change

With technology scene changing every couple of years, there is something new in trend always. Every library/framework seem to have a very low shelf life. When we're relieved that we've mastered something, we see that there is already something new in the market which is more in demand. This pushes to up-skill with new trends.

But what remains constant are the foundational concepts. Irrespective of how many programming languages exist today and will be created tomorrow, the basic concepts of software engineering remains same. Learning here is necessary to better our understanding of such fundamentals concepts.

If I don't practice one day, I know it; two days, the critics know it; three days, the public knows it. - Jascha Heifetz