Why CORS - Cross Origin Resource Sharing
In the past there was only SOP - Same-Origin Policy. Which means, the website could only interact with resources on the same domain.
CORS was only introduced to relax this restriction. This also introduces a risk that if CORS isn't configured correctly, this can lead to security issues.
CORS headers are automatically added by the browsers when the HTTP requests are made. This can't be tweaked.
Origin Header
This is similar to referer header but doesn't disclose the path of the source page.
This can also be controlled by the referral-policy header.
These headers are used by browsers to avoid sending the request to the web server if the preflight response doesn't satisfy the conditions. This provides security and also avoids unnecessary calls to the web server.
Origin vs Referer Header
Origin and Referer are similar HTTP headers but only the purpose is different.
Referer is used to know from which source the request is coming. This is mainly for statistical purposes.
Whereas, Origin is used to restrict control of access to resources on other domains.
Origin vs Host Header
Origin and referer contains the information of the browser sending the request.
Host contains the information of the server to which the request is being sent to.