Vite is a combination of multiple things.
- Bundler
- Transpiler
- Development server
Vite handles development server and production build differently.
Native ES Modules (Native ESM)
Native ES modules are nothing but the regular JS modules where we write multiple JS files (a.k.a modules) and import them in other files. Browser's JS runtime environment supports this.
If you see the current bundlers such as Webpack, they bundle all dependencies and code into one single file. This means the native ESM functionality isn't used in this case.
Vite in Development
Vite handles development and production environments differently. In the local environment, it doesn't bundle anything. It uses Native ESM based development server.
Vite in Production
In case of production build, it still generates bundles.
Uses esbuild
to generate bundle from dependencies in node_modules
and rollup.js
for actual source code bundle.
Vite doesn't use tsc
to transpile TS(X) to JS. Instead, uses esbuild
Also it doesn't do type-check. Only transpiles code to JS.