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Global Objects

In JavaScript, global objects are the one that's accessible from anywhere within the application without adding any imports. Properties of this global object can be accessed directly without

This is the object created automatically when the JavaScript execution starts. Since JavaScript is a interpreted language, the global object is created at the start of the execution of this interpreter.

In case of browser, the global object is created with the name window and on NodeJS it's called as global. We can add new properties to this object and then access across different files.

Built-In Features

Mostly built-in features of JavaScript are available in the global object.. Example console object.

When the session of the JavaScript starts, it adds all necessary variables and functions to the global object.

Script vs Modules

In JavaScript, scripts are just standalone files. Any import and export statements will cause syntax error in this case.

Global Object

Global object is only available on the scripts by default and all top-level var variables are directly added to the global object by default.

How many global objects exist in browser

Ever browser tab has one and only one Global Execution Context and this exists until the browser page is closed. This means, there is only one Global object created.

Even if multiple script tags exist in the HTML page, still all are executed under the same Global object.